Secure & Compliant

Verified: Feb 11 2025

The domain above has successfully passed the security tests performed by Clone Systems, Inc. The details for each security scan passed is listed below.

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Penetration Testing


The website has successfully passed an extensive penetration test, in which our next-gen assessment technology was unable to successfully exploit any significant vulnerabilities. The infrastructure, application, and operating system of the website were continuously targeted during the testing phase in an effort to find and exploit flaws. By passing a penetration test the website's owner is demonstrating that significant steps were taken to protect itself and its users against advanced cyber-attacks. The following steps were performed during the penetration test process:


Gathered information about the website, application, API , the network topology, and finally the operating system.


Identified active hosts and open ports, along with any existing vulnerabilities and weaknesses.


Attempted to exploit identified website vulnerabilities and weaknesses to gain access to the target system.


Attempted to escalate privileges and clear tracks.

Advance Reporting

Compiled the results of the penetration test along with recommendations for remediation of any discovered threats.

Vulnerability Scanning


The website has passed a comprehensive vulnerability assessment, and the results of the scan did not identify any significant vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker. The scan attempted to identify potential security weaknesses in the website's infrastructure, application or operating system. Various industry standards, including OWASP, SOX, SOC2, and others are followed during the scan process.

Network & OS

A network and operating system scan of the website was successful, which means that no critical security flaws were discovered in the network and operating system infrastructure that support the website. The website underwent extensive testing of all network components, operating system, patch/hotfixes, and zero-day vulnerabilities.


A comprehensive malware infection scan was performed against the underlying operating system and the pages of the website in which the scan did not identify any instances of malware.


The website has passed an OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security scan. This means that a security assessment was performed on the website, and the results of the scan did not identify any significant vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker using the OWASP Top 10 security risks as a framework.

The OWASP Top 10 is a widely recognized list of the most critical security risks facing web applications. An OWASP security scan focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in a website that align with the OWASP Top 10 security risks.


The website has passed a SOX vulnerability scan which means that the results of the scan did not identify any significant vulnerabilities that could compromise the integrity of financial reporting or other sensitive data. The results of the scan demonstrate the company's commitment to security and privacy, and provide assurance to customers, stakeholders, and regulatory authorities that the company is taking appropriate measures to protect sensitive information.


The website passed a SOC2 vulnerability scan that focused on identifying vulnerabilities in the website's infrastructure, applications, and operating system that could compromise the security and privacy of customer data. The scan checked for a variety of security threats, including software vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other potential weaknesses.

The purpose of a SOC2 vulnerability scan is to provide assurance to customers that the company is taking appropriate measures to protect their sensitive data, and to demonstrate the company's compliance with the SOC2 standard. If a company passes a SOC2 vulnerability scan, it means that the results of the scan did not identify any significant vulnerabilities that could compromise the security and privacy of customer data.

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